Polycom, Inc. 401
Times and dates in the CDR file are expressed in the time zone of the RealPresence DMA cluster that
created the CDR export, with the GMT offset shown at the end. Note that if a conference spans a daylight
savings time change, the offset for endTime will be different from the offset for startTime.
Note: ITP Systems and CDRs
For Polycom and Cisco Immersive Telepresence (ITP) rooms using Cisco TIP signaling, all the
codecs (endpoint devices in the room) signal using a single session, producing a single CDR.
For Polycom ITP systems using SIP signaling (but not H.323), if the codecs follow the prescribed
naming convention (see Naming ITP Systems Properly for Recognition by the Polycom RealPresence
DMA System on page 95), the RealPresence DMA system recognizes them as constituting a single
ITP system and creates a single CDR for the ITP system rather than separate CDRs for each of its
• The first three fields in the CDR (version, type, callType) contain a single value associated with the
primary (sequence number 1) codec.
• The remaining fields contain an escaped (quote-enclosed) comma-separated list of values, one for
each codec in the ITP system.
Be aware that when the .csv file is opened using Microsoft Excel, Excel may misinterpret a
comma-separated list of numeric values as a single large integer.
Field Description
version Changes each time the format of CDRs changes.
type CALL
callType One of the following:
• VSC-hunt group
• VSC-[uncond fwd | fwd busy | fwd no answer]
• VMR-subscribe only
callUuid Unique identifier for the call.
dialin If this is point-to-point or a VMR dial-in call, TRUE. Otherwise, FALSE.
(ISO 8601 syntax, where FFF is milliseconds and Z is zero offset)
This is when call signaling reached the RealPresence DMA system, not when
media started. If multiple call records, the start of this segment of the call.
(ISO 8601 syntax, where FFF is milliseconds and Z is zero offset)
This is when the RealPresence DMA system’s involvement with the call
ended, not when media ended. If multiple call records, the end of this segment
of the call.
origEndpoint The originating endpoint’s display name, name, alias, or IP address (in that
order of preference), depending on what it provided in the call signaling. If the
originator is an MCU, the MCU name.