Polycom, Inc. 397
Export History
The Call History page’s Export History list provides a record of the CDR exports (all call and conference
data for the specified period) and search results exports from the system. It appears when you click the
Show Export History command (in the Actions list).
The following table describes the fields in the list. Hover over a field to see a tooltip showing the time span
included in the export.
See also:
System Reports on page 395
Call Detail Records (CDRs) on page 400
Conference History
The Conference History page lets you view detailed records of conferences and download CDRs (call
detail records).
The fields at the top of the page let you specify the starting and ending date and time or the conference room
number (VMR number) for which you want to view conference records.
When setting the date/time range for your search, keep in mind that retrieving a large number of records
can take some time.
After you search for conferences, the Conference History page lists all the conferences in the time range
you specified. If there are more than 500, the first page lists the first 500, and the arrow buttons below the
list let you view other pages. The following table describes the fields in the list.
Ingress Cluster The cluster (first, if more than one) that handled the call.
Call ID Unique identifier for the call.
Note: Export History Always Shows All Export Operations
The Export History list is the same on the Call History and Conference History pages. In both
places, all export operations are shown.
Column Description
User User ID of the person who performed the export.
Export Type One of the following:
• CDR for CDR exports
• Call History for search results exports
Date of Export Date and time of the export.
Cluster The cluster from which the export took place.
Column Description