MCU Management
Polycom, Inc. 150
See also:
MCU Pool Orders on page 145
MCU Selection Process on page 147
MCU Pool Order Procedures on page 150
MCU Pool Order Procedures
To view the MCU Pool Orders list
ยป Go to Network > MCU > MCU Pool Orders.
The MCU Pool Orders list appears.
To add an MCU Pool Order
1 Go to Network > MCU > MCU Pool Orders.
2 In the Actions list, click Add.
3 In the Add MCU Pool dialog box, complete editable fields. All are mandatory. See Add MCU Pool
Dialog Box on page 143.
4 Click OK.
The new MCU pool order appears in the MCU Pool Orders list. The MCU pools included in the pool
order are displayed.
To edit an MCU Pool Order
1 Go to Network > MCU > MCU Pool Orders.
2 In the MCU Pool Orders list, select the pool order, and in the Actions list, click Edit.
Note: Calculating MCU Reliability
After each call, the RealPresence DMA system recalculates the reliability of an MCU as the weighted
average of the result for the current call (1 for success, 0 for failure) and the reliability of all previous
calls, using this formula:
reliability = (current_call + (weight * previous_reliability)) / (1 +
For example, if weight is 5, previous reliability is 1 (no previous failed calls), and the call is successful,
the reliability remains 1:
(1 + (5 *1)) / (1 + 5) = 1
If weight is 5, previous reliability is 1, and the call fails, the reliability becomes 5/6:
(0 + (5 *1)) / (1 + 5) = 5/6
If weight is 5, previous reliability is 5/6, and the call is successful, the reliability becomes 31/36:
(1 + (5 *5/6)) / (1 + 5) = 31/36
If the reliability is ever less than 1, it exponentially approaches 1 as more calls succeed, but it never
quite gets there. It very quickly reaches the point where the weight of the past failed call counts less
than a single call in progress. But it remains as the tie breaker between completely unused MCUs