Local Cluster Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 82
● Configure Logging
If you’re performing the initial configuration of your Polycom RealPresence DMA system, study Polycom
RealPresence DMA
System Initial Configuration Summary on page 29 before you continue. Other tasks
are required that are described elsewhere.
Add Licenses
Adding licenses to your Polycom RealPresence DMA system is a two-step process:
● Request a software activation key code for each server.
● Enter the activation key codes into the system.
The procedures below describe the process.
To request a software activation key code for each server
1 Log into the Polycom RealPresence DMA system as an administrator and go to Admin > Local
Cluster > Licenses.
2 Record the serial number for each Polycom RealPresence DMA server:
Server A: ____________________________
Server B: ____________________________ (none for single-server system)
3 Go to http://www.polycom.com/activation.
4 If you don’t already have one, register for an account. Then log in.
5 Select Product Activation.
6 In the License Number field, enter the software license number listed on the first (or only) server’s
License Certificate (shipped with the product).
7 In the Serial Number field, enter the first (or only) server’s serial number (which you recorded in
step 2).
8 Click Generate.
9 When the activation key for the first (or only) server appears, record it:
Server A: __________-__________-_________-___________
10 If you have a single-server Polycom RealPresence DMA system, you’re finished with this procedure.
Continue to the next procedure.
11 If you have a two-server cluster, repeat steps 6–8, this time entering the second license number you
received and the second server’s serial number (also recorded in step 2).
12 When the activation key for the second server appears, record it:
Server B: __________-__________-_________-___________
Caution: Activation Keys Linked to the Server Serial Number
An activation key is linked to a specific server’s serial number. For a two-server cluster, you must
generate the activation key for each server using that server’s serial number. Licensing will fail if you
generate both activation keys from the same server serial number.