Call Server Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 254
See also:
Dial Rules on page 239
External Gatekeeper on page 101
External SIP Peer on page 105
External H.323 SBC on page 120
Add MCU Dialog Box on page 129
Script Debugging Dialog Box for Preliminaries/Postliminaries on page 254
Sample Preliminary and Postliminary Scripts on page 255
Script Debugging Dialog Box for Preliminaries/Postliminaries
The Script Debugging dialog box lets you test a Javascript executable script that you’ve added as a
preliminary to a dial rule or as a postliminary for an external gatekeeper, SIP peer, SBC, or MCU. It lets you
specify parameters of a call and the dial string, and see what effect the script has on the dial string.
The following table describes the fields in the Script Debugging dialog box.
Resolve to service prefix For a SIP peer proxy of type OCS:
The To header is replaced with the modified dial string. The request URI is
based on the address, port, and transport type of the proxy, and not
replaced with the modified dial string.
For a SIP peer proxy of type Other:
The To header and the request URI are both replaced with the modified dial
Resolve to peer proxy For a SIP peer proxy of type OCS:
The To header is replaced with the modified dial string. The request URI is
based on the address, port, and transport type of the proxy, and not
replaced with the modified dial string.
For a SIP peer proxy of type Other:
The To header and the request URI are both replaced with the modified dial
Resolve to IP address The To header and the request URI are both replaced with the modified dial
Field Description
Dial string This is the DIAL_STRING variable in the script, which is initially set to the dial
string being evaluated. Enter a dial string to test. Alternatively, provide the
entire SIP INVITE message. Then click Execute Script.
Note: For SIP, the script should always specify the schema prefix (sip or sips).
For instance:
DIAL_STRING = "sip:xxx@"
Caller site Select a site in order to set the first four caller variables.
Dial Rule Action Output SIP Headers