Polycom, Inc. 405
Conference Record Layouts
The following table describes the fields in the conference records.
Values are enclosed in double quotes when necessary, using the same rules as for call records.
Times and dates in the CDR file are expressed in the time zone of the RealPresence DMA cluster that
created the CDR export, with the GMT offset shown at the end. Note that if a conference spans a daylight
savings time change, the offset for endTime will be different from the offset for startTime.
origSignalingId For SIP point-to-point or VMR calls (dialin=TRUE), the complete From header
of the INVITE received from the endpoint.
For VMR SIP dial-outs (dialin=FALSE), the To header sent by the
RealPresence DMA system to the MCU. Otherwise, blank.
origCallId The SIP or H.323 call ID of the call between the originating endpoint and the
RealPresence DMA system. For VMR dial-outs, the call ID of the call between
the RealPresence DMA system and the MCU.
destCallId The SIP or H.323 call ID of the call between the destination endpoint and the
RealPresence DMA system. For calls to a VMR, the call ID of the call between
the RealPresence DMA system and the MCU.
chairPasscode The configured chairperson passcode for the conference room. Blank if no
passcode was configured at the time of the conference.
confRequiresChair TRUE if the conference template used for the conference has the
Conference requires chairperson flag enabled. Otherwise, FALSE.
termConfAfterChairDrops TRUE if the conference template used for the conference has the Terminate
conference after chairperson drops flag enabled. Otherwise, FALSE.
charJoinTime The time the first chairperson joined the conference. If no chairperson joined
the conference, blank.
Field Description
version Changes each time the format of CDRs changes.
type CONF
confType One of the following:
• PCO — for Polycom Conferencing for Outlook (calendared) conferences
• LYNC — for Lync conferences
• AD-HOC — for all other conferences
cluster The RealPresence DMA cluster serving the VMR.
confUUID Unique identifier for the conference.
(ISO 8601 syntax, where FFF is milliseconds and Z is zero offset)
This is when the first participant joined the conference.
Field Description