Local Cluster Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 79
See also:
Signaling Settings on page 72
Local Cluster Configuration Procedures on page 81
Edit Guest Prefix Dialog Box
The Edit Guest Prefix dialog box lets you edit an Unauthorized prefixes list entry in the SIP Settings
section of the Signaling Settings page.
The following table describes the fields in the Edit Guest Prefix dialog box.
Strip prefix Check this box to have the system immediately strip this prefix from the
INVITE message.
Authentication Select one of the following:
•None — The system doesn’t issue authentication challenges or check
authentication credentials for calls with this prefix.
• Authenticate — The system issues authentication challenges and checks
authentication credentials for calls with this prefix.
The settings on the Device Authentication page (see Device
Authentication on page 261) determine the realm used for
authentication and whether the Call Server responds to
unauthenticated requests with 401 (Unauthorized) or 407 (Proxy
Authentication Required).
•Block — The system blocks calls with this prefix.
Field Description
Prefix The prefix number for this entry.
This is the number that an SBC is configured to add to the Request-URI of the
first INVITE message for untrusted calls to the RealPresence DMA system.
Strip prefix Check this box to have the system immediately strip this prefix from the
INVITE message.
Authentication Select one of the following:
•None — The system doesn’t issue authentication challenges or check
authentication credentials for calls with this prefix.
• Authenticate — The system issues authentication challenges and checks
authentication credentials for calls with this prefix.
The settings on the Device Authentication page (see Device
Authentication on page 261) determine the realm used for
authentication and whether the Call Server responds to
unauthenticated requests with 401 (Unauthorized) or 407 (Proxy
Authentication Required).
•Block — The system blocks calls with this prefix.
Field Description