Polycom, Inc. 185
Conference Manager Configuration
This chapter describes the following Polycom
Distributed Media Application™ (DMA
7000 system configuration topics related to the Conference Manager functionality:
● Conference Settings
● Conference Templates
● IVR Prompt Sets
● Shared Number Dialing
Conference Settings
On the Conference Settings page, you can define the default class of service and bit rate limits, a dialing
prefix, and various default conference properties for the Polycom RealPresence DMA system. If the system
is integrated with a Microsoft® Lync 2013 environment, you can also configure system-wide default settings
related to Presence Publishing for Polycom conference contacts. The table below describes the properties
on this page.
Note: Class of Service Scope
The default class of service, maximum bit rate, and minimum downspeed rate are the default values
for point-to-point calls as well as conference (VMR) calls. But when a device calls a conference room,
the class of service of the conference room applies to the call, not the class of service of the group,
user, or device.
Field Description
Default class of service The class of service assigned to a user or endpoint if the class of service isn’t
specified at the endpoint, user, or group level.
Note: When a device calls a conference room (VMR), the class of service of
the conference room applies to the call, not the class of service of the group,
user, or device.
Default maximum bit rate (kbps) The maximum bit rate for a call if the maximum bit rate for the user or endpoint
isn’t specified at the endpoint, user, or group level.
Default minimum downspeed
The minimum bit rate to which a call can be reduced (downspeeded) if the
minimum downspeed for the user or endpoint isn’t specified at the endpoint,
user, or group level.