Network Settings Local Cluster Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 63
Server 1 Status, host name, and IP address(es) of the primary
server. The IP type and network setting determine which
of the IP fields in this section are enabled.
Host names may contain only letters, numbers, and
internal dashes (hyphens), and may not include a
domain. The reserved values appserv* and dmamgk-*
may not be used for host names.
Server 2 Status, host name and IP address(es) of the secondary
server. The fields in this section duplicate those in the
Server 1 section and are enabled only in two-server
Shared Management
Network Settings
The settings in this section apply to the entire system
(both servers in two-server configuration), whether
management and signaling are combined or separate.
Virtual host name Virtual host name and IP address(es) for the system’s
management (or combined) network interface.
Host names may contain only letters, numbers, and
internal dashes (hyphens), and may not include a
domain. The reserved values appserv* and dmamgk-*
may not be used for host names.
Subnet mask IPv4 network mask that defines the subnetwork of the
system’s management interface.
IPv6 prefix length IPv6 CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) value that
defines the subnetwork of the system’s management
IPv4 gateway IPv4 address of gateway server for the subnetwork.
Name The name of the management network interface (eth0)
is not editable, and it can’t be disabled.
The eth0 interface corresponds with the GB1 jack on
the server.
Auto-negotiation Turn on Auto-negotiation or set Speed and Duplex
Show Link Details Click to see details about link settings and information.
This information may be useful to Polycom Global
Services when troubleshooting a network issue.
Table 4-1 Fields on the Network Settings page (continued)
Field Description