DMA Operations Guide External SIP Peer
96 Polycom, Inc.
See also:
“External Gatekeeper” on page 91
“Script Debugging Dialog Box for Preliminaries/Postliminaries” on
page 235
“Device Authentication” on page 243
External SIP Peer
On the External SIP Peer page, you can add or remove SIP servers from the
list of peer servers to which the system can route calls and from which it may
receive calls.
This is a supercluster-wide configuration. But note that a Polycom DMA
system supercluster can provide proxy service for any or all domains in the
enterprise, allowing the SIP function to be distributed, but managed centrally.
This may reduce the need for external SIP peer servers (other than SIP session
border controllers, or SBCs).
The following table describes the fields in the list.
Postliminary A postliminary is an executable script, written in the
Javascript language, that defines dial string
transformations to be applied before querying the
external gatekeeper.
Enabled Lets you turn a postliminary on or off without deleting it.
Script Type (or paste) the postliminary script you want to
apply. Then click Debug this script to open the Script
Debugging Dialog Box for Preliminaries/Postliminaries
and test the script with various variables.
Table 5-12 Edit External Gatekeeper dialog box
Column Description
Table 5-13 Fields in the External SIP Peer list
Column Description
Name The name of the peer server.
Description Brief description of the peer server.
Next Hop Address Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) or IP address of
the peer server.