Polycom, Inc. 147
Integrations with Other Systems
This chapter describes the following Polycom
Distributed Media
Application™ (DMA™) 7000 system configuration topics related to
integrating the system with external systems:
• Microsoft Active Directory Integration
• Microsoft Exchange Server Integration
• Resource Management System Integration
• Juniper Networks SRC Integration
Microsoft Active Directory Integration
When you integrate the Polycom DMA system with your Microsoft Active
Directory, the enterprise users (Active Directory members) become
Conferencing Users in the Polycom DMA system. Each enterprise user is
(optionally) assigned a conference room, or virtual meeting room (VMR). The
conference room IDs are typically generated from the enterprise users’ phone
Once integrated with Active Directory, the Polycom DMA system reads the
directory information nightly to update the user and group information in its
cache.You can force a cache refresh at any time using the Update button.
Between updates, it accesses the directory only to authenticate login
In a superclustered environment, one cluster is responsible for integrating
with Active Directory and updating the cache daily, and the cache is available
to all clusters through the replicated shared data store. The other clusters
connect to Active Directory only to authenticate user credentials.