Dial Rules Call Server Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 227
Test Dial Rules Dialog Box
The Test Dial Rules dialog box provides a testing mechanism for the current
dial plan. You can specify various caller parameters and a dial string, and see
how the each dial rule handles such a call and what its final disposition is.
The following table describes the fields in the Test Dial Rules dialog box.
Table 10-4 Test Dial Rules dialog box
Field Description
Caller site Select a site in order to set the four caller site variables
CALLER_SITE_AREA_CODE). They can’t be set
directly and are display only.
CALLER_H323ID Test caller’s H323-ID or blank.
CALLER_E164 Test caller’s E.164 alias or blank.
CALLER_TEL_URI Test caller’s SIP tel: URI or blank.
CALLER_SIP_URI Test caller’s SIP sip: URI or blank.
Dial string Enter a dial string to test. Then click Test. For SIP, the
dial string should always specify the schema prefix (sip
or sips). For example:
Test route output Displays the results of applying each rule (including its
preliminary, if any) to the dial string. For instance,
testing the dial string example shown above against the
default dial plan might result in the following:
#1:SipAlias[sips:rbruce@] is not
registered. H323-ID[rbruce] is not registered.
#2:The room [rbruce] does not exist.
#3:No entry queue is found.
#4:Domain [] is not within our
#5:The call was accepted by this dial rule.
Final result Displays the final outcome of the dial rule processing.
The final outcome for the example above would be:
Transformed dial string is [sips:rbruce@].
The call was accepted by dial rule #5.