Supercluster Procedures Superclustering
Polycom, Inc. 215
The following table describes the fields in the Join Supercluster dialog box.
See also:
“About Superclustering” on page 209
“DMAs” on page 211
“Supercluster Procedures” on page 215
Supercluster Procedures
To create or join a supercluster
1 Go to Network > DMAs.
All the clusters in a supercluster must be running compatible software versions.
Patch releases of the same major version will generally be compatible, but major
version upgrades will not be compatible. If the software version of the system you’re
adding isn’t compatible with the supercluster or cluster to which you’re joining it, a
message tells you so and the join operation is terminated.
The host names (virtual and physical) of every cluster in the supercluster must be
resolvable by all the other clusters. For a superclustered system, A/AAAA records
on your DNS server(s) for each physical host name, physical IP address, and virtual
host name are mandatory. See “Add Required DNS Records for the Polycom DMA
System” on page 22.
Table 9-2 Join Supercluster dialog box
Column Description
Host name or IP
Any existing cluster in the supercluster to which the
Polycom DMA system should be joined, or the system
with which to form a new supercluster. We strongly
recommend specifying the FQDN of the virtual
management interface for the cluster to be joined.
User name An administrator login name for the specified cluster.
Password The password for the administrator login.
Prior to creating a supercluster, we recommend verifying that DNS can resolve all
FQDNs of all clusters to become part of the supercluster. To do so, go to
Maintenance > Troubleshooting Utilities > Ping and ping the FQDNs (virtual and
physical) of the other cluster(s). Do this on each cluster.