DMA Operations Guide Alerts
344 Polycom, Inc.
See also:
“Alerts” on page 338
Alert 2105
Active Directory service is not available. Cluster <p-cluster> is not operational.
The primary cluster for the territory responsible for Active Directory
integration is unreachable, and it has no backup cluster.
This may indicate a network problem. It’s also possible that someone shut the
cluster down or that it failed.
Click the link to go to the DMAs page to begin troubleshooting.
We recommend assigning a backup cluster for each territory.
See also:
“Alerts” on page 338
Alert 2106
Failed connection from <server> to Active Directory for user authentications at
The specified cluster tried to connect to the Active Directory in order to
authenticate a user’s credentials and was unable to do so. This may indicate a
network problem or a problem with the AD itself.
If the network and the AD itself both appear to be OK, the connection attempt
may have failed because the cluster was unable to log into the AD server.
Click the link to go to the Microsoft Active Directory page. Make sure the
login credentials that the DMA system uses to connect to Active Directory are
still valid and update them if necessary.
See also:
“Alerts” on page 338
Alert 2107
Failed connection from <cluster> to Active Directory for caching at
The cluster responsible for Active Directory integration was unable to log into
the AD server.
Click the link to go to the Microsoft Active Directory page.