DMA Operations Guide Alerts
338 Polycom, Inc.
User Login History Pane
Displays the following information about logins by your user ID:
• The server you’re currently logged into.
• The time, date, server logged into, and source (host name or IP address) of
the last successful login (prior to your current session) by your user ID.
• The time, date, server, and source of the last failed login attempt by your
user ID.
• The number of consecutive failures before your current successful login.
See also:
“Dashboard” on page 331
On various pages and dashboard panes, the alert icon is used to indicate an
abnormal condition, problem, or just something you should be aware of.
Hover over the icon to see details.
A summary of alert status appears in the menu bar, showing how many alerts
exist across all clusters of a supercluster and how many are new (that is, that
you haven’t viewed yet).
When you click the summary data, an expanded alerts list appears, displaying
the date and time, alert code, and description of each alert. In many cases, the
alert description is a link to the relevant page for investigating the issue. A
Help button to the right of the alert description displays the help topic for that
alert, which contains additional information about the causes and
recommendations for dealing with the alert.
The following sections describe the alerts.
Alert 1001
Cluster <cluster> is busied out as of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM GMT+/-H[:MM].
You or another administrator busied out the cluster, perhaps for maintenance.
A busied-out cluster allows existing calls and conferences to continue and
accepts new calls for existing conferences, but doesn’t accept other new calls
and conferences.
Once all existing calls and conferences have ended, the cluster is out of service.
Click the link to go to the DMAs page.
See also:
“Alerts” on page 338