Device Authentication Call Server Configuration
Polycom, Inc. 243
Edit Alias Dialog Box
The Edit Alias dialog box lets you change an alias value assigned to the hunt
group. Edit the alias in the Value box and click OK.
Aliases should be specified by their fully qualified dial string. For example, to
specify that H.323 callers can call the hunt group by dialing 1234, enter
To specify that SIP callers can call the hunt group by dialing 1234, enter
See also:
“Hunt Groups” on page 240
“Add Hunt Group Dialog Box” on page 241
“Edit Hunt Group Dialog Box” on page 241
Device Authentication
Device authentication enhances security by requiring devices registering with
or calling the Polycom DMA system to provide credentials that the system can
authenticate. In turn, the Polycom DMA system may need to authenticate itself
to an external SIP peer or gatekeeper.
All authentication configurations are supercluster-wide, but note that the
default realm for SIP device authentication is the cluster’s domain as specified
on the Network Settings page (or
if no domain is specified). See
“Network Settings” on page 62. This allows each cluster in a supercluster to
have its own realm for challenges.
The Device Authentication page has two tabs, Inbound Authentication and
Shared Outbound Authentication.
Inbound Authentication
On the Inbound Authentication tab, you can:
• Turn on H.235 authentication for H.323 devices.
• Turn on and configure SIP digest authentication for SIP devices.
• Maintain the Call Server’s local inbound device authentication list.
You can turn inbound authentication off and on for specific devices (assuming that
it’s turned on here at the system level for that device type). See “Edit Device Dialog
Box” on page 86.