Conference Room Errors Report System Reports
Polycom, Inc. 399
If you don’t specify a directory attribute from which to generate
conference room IDs, this number is zero and the report contains nothing
else of value.
• Number of users for whom the Active Directory field being used to
generate conference room IDs is empty (these are counted, but not listed
individually below; find them in the Active Directory)
• Number of users with blank conference room IDs (doesn’t include those
for whom the Active Directory field was empty, only those for whom its
contents were filtered out)
• Number of users with invalid conference room IDs
• Number of users with duplicate conference room IDs
The blank, invalid, and duplicate conference room IDs are listed below.
The following table describes the fields in the list.
Duplicate conference room IDs are not disabled; they can be used for conferencing.
But if both users associated with that conference room ID try to hold a conference
at the same time, they end up in the same conference.
Table 14-12 Information in the Conference Room Errors list
Column Description
Problem Description of the issue with this room ID (Blank,
Duplicate, or Invalid).
Conference Room ID The conference room ID, typically generated from the
enterprise user’s phone number.
<directory attribute> The attribute (field) from the Active Directory that’s used
to generate the room ID (see “Microsoft Active Directory
Integration” on page 147). The column heading is the
name of the attribute, such as telephoneNumber.
User ID The login name or ID of the enterprise user with this
room ID.
Domain The domain to which the enterprise user belongs.
Last Name The enterprise user’s last name.
First Name The enterprise user’s first name.
Notes For duplicates, identifies the domain and user ID of the
user with a duplicate conference room ID.