DMA Operations Guide Recommended Regular Maintenance
330 Polycom, Inc.
General system health and capacity checks
On the Dashboard (see “Dashboard” on page 331), verify that:
• There are no alerts indicating problems with any part of the system.
• The Supercluster Status pane shows the correct number of servers and
clusters, and the network interfaces that should be working (depending on
your IP type and split network settings) are up (green up arrow) and in full
duplex mode, with the speed correct for your enterprise network.
• The Territories Status pane shows that all territories have the correct
capabilities, are being managed by their primary cluster, and (if your
deployment is so configured), have a backup cluster.
Go to Reports > Network Usage (see “Network Usage Report” on page 402)
and view the graph for each cluster with the following capacity-related metrics
• Call Counts — If the number of concurrent calls approaches the license
limit, you may need to rebalance territory responsibilities, add licensed
capacity, or add another cluster.
• Conference Manager Calls — If the number of concurrent calls
approaches the number of MCU ports available, you may need to add
MCU capacity.
View the graph for each site, site link, and subnet with Calls Dropped and
Calls Downspeeded selected. These metrics show only calls dropped or
downspeeded due to insufficient bandwidth at the selected throttlepoint. Any
values above zero are indicators of bandwidth saturation and suggest that it’s
time to increase network bandwidth.
Microsoft Active Directory health
If the Polycom DMA system is integrated with an Active Directory, check the
following (you must be logged in as an enterprise user):
• Reports > Microsoft Active Directory Integration (see “Active Directory
Integration Report” on page 394). Check the status and results of the last
cache update, and verify that membership information for imported
groups, if any, was successfully loaded.
• Reports > Conference Room Errors (see “Conference Room Errors
Report” on page 398). Check:
— The total number of users and the number of users with conference
room IDs. Make sure both are about what you would expect for your
system (it may be helpful to keep records for comparison over time).
Contact your Active Directory administrator if necessary.
— The number of users with blank, invalid, or duplicate conference room
IDs. These are enterprise users not properly provisioned for
conferencing on the Polycom DMA system. They’re listed below.
Contact your Active Directory administrator to resolve issues with
these users.