DMA Operations Guide Microsoft Active Directory Integration
158 Polycom, Inc.
After the system has successfully connected to the Active Directory, the list
contains entries for each domain in the AD forest. If you want to restrict the
system to a subset of the Active Directory (such as one tree of multiple trees, a
subtree, a domain, or an organizational unit), select the corresponding base
DN entry from the list.
See also:
“Microsoft Active Directory Integration” on page 147
“Active Directory Integration Procedure” on page 153
“About the System’s Directory Queries” on page 160
Adding Passcodes for Enterprise Users
Polycom RMX MCUs provide two optional security features for conferences,
which the Polycom DMA system fully supports:
• Conference Passcode — A numeric
passcode that callers must enter in
order to join the conference.
• Chairperson Passcode — A numeric
passcode that callers can enter to
identify themselves as conference chairpersons. Chairpersons have
additional privileges, such as controlling recording. A conference can be
configured to not start until a chairperson joins and to end when the last
chairperson leaves (see “Add Conference Template Dialog Box” on
page 184).
If the Polycom DMA system is integrated with your Active Directory,
conference and chairperson passcodes for enterprise users can be maintained
in the Active Directory.
You must determine which Active Directory attributes to use for the purpose
and provide a process for provisioning users with those passcodes. If a user’s
passcode Active Directory attribute (either conference or chairperson) is left
empty, the user’s conferences won’t require that passcode.
Passcodes must consist of numeric characters only (the digits 0-9). You can
specify the maximum length for each passcode type (up to 16 digits). A user’s
conference and chairperson passcodes can’t be the same.
If Cisco Codian MCUs are included in the Polycom DMA system’s pool of
conferencing resources, don’t assign a chairperson passcode without also
assigning a conference passcode. If a conference with only one passcode (either
chairperson or conference) lands on a Codian MCU, all callers to the conference
must enter that passcode.