DMA Operations Guide Users
314 Polycom, Inc.
To find a user or users
1 Go to User > Users.
The Users page appears.
2 For a simple search, enter a search string in the Search users field and
press E
The system matches the string you enter against the beginning of the user
ID, first name, and last name. If you enter “sa” it displays users whose IDs
or first or last names begin with “sa.” To search for a string not at the
beginning of the field, you can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard. You can
restrict the search to local users by selecting the check box.
3 For more search options, click the down arrow to the right.
Additional controls appear that let you search specific fields and use
specific filters.
4 Select the filters you want, enter search strings for one or more fields, and
click Search.
The system displays the users matching your search criteria (up to 500).
To add a local user
1 Go to User > Users.
2 In the Actions list, click Add.
3 In the Add User dialog box, complete the General Info fields. See “Add
User Dialog Box” on page 297.
4 To assign the user additional roles (besides Conferencing User), click
Roles. Select the role or roles you want to assign and use the arrow
button to move them to the Selected Roles list.
5 Click OK.
To edit a user
1 Go to User > Users.
2 If necessary, filter the Users list to find the user to be modified.
3 Select the user and click Edit.
The DMA system’s user database is unsorted. To avoid performance issues, if your
query matches more than 4000 users, no attempt is made to sort the results on the
server side before returning the first 500 matching records. The system simply
returns the first 500 found in the database.
In any case, there is no way to retrieve the next 500. To see all the users that match
your search criteria, narrow your criteria so that no more than 500 users match.