DMA Operations Guide Microsoft Active Directory Integration
150 Polycom, Inc.
Conference room errors Number of enterprise users for whom conference rooms
couldn’t be generated.
If you’re an administrator, this label is a link to the
Conference Room Errors Report report.
Note: If you don’t specify an Active Directory attribute
for conference room ID generation, the number of errors
equals the number of users.
Orphaned users/groups Number of orphaned users and groups (that is, users
and groups that are disabled or no longer in the
directory, but for whom the system contains data).
If you’re an administrator, this label is a link to the
Orphaned Groups and Users Report.
Enterprise passcode
Number of enterprise users for whom passcodes were
generated that aren’t valid.
If you’re an administrator, this label is a link to the
Enterprise Passcode Errors Report.
Active Directory Connection
Auto-discover from
If this option is selected, the system uses serverless
bind to find the closest global catalog servers. Enter the
DNS domain name. We strongly recommend using this
If the system can’t determine the site to which it belongs,
it tries to connect to any global catalog server.
If that fails, it uses the entered DNS domain name as a
host name and continues as if the IP address or host
name option were selected.
The system’s Network Settings setup must have at least
one domain name server specified.
Check the Active Directory Integration Report to see
whether serverless bind succeeded and what the site
name is.
IP address or host name If this option is selected, the system attempts to connect
to the Microsoft Active Directory domain controller
For a single-domain forest, enter the host name or IP
address of a domain controller.
For a multi-domain forest, we don’t recommend using
this option. If you must, enter the host name or IP
address of a specific global catalog server, not the DNS
domain name.
The Polycom DMA system can only integrate with one
forest. A special “Exchange forest” (in which all users
are disabled) won’t work because the system doesn’t
support conferencing for disabled users.
Table 7-1 Fields on the Microsoft Active Directory page (continued)
Field Description