Cisco Systems OL-27172-01 Mobility Aid User Manual

Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Configuration Workflows and Checklists
This chapter is divided into two major sections that define the processes to follow when configuring
Cisco Broadband Access Center (Cisco BAC) components to support various technologies.
This chapter includes the following sections:
Component Workflows, page 3-1
Technology Workflows, page 3-3
Component Workflows
This section describes the workflows you must follow to configure each Cisco BAC component for the
technologies supported by Cisco BAC. These configuration tasks are performed before configuring
Cisco BAC to support specific technologies.
The component workflows described in this section are arranged in a checklist format and include:
RDU Checklist
DPE Checklist
RDU Checklist
Table 3-1 identifies the workflow to follow when configuring the RDU.
Table 3-1 RDU Workflow Checklist
Procedure Refer to...
1. Configure the system syslog service for use with
Cisco BAC.
Installation Guide for Cisco
Broadband Access Center 3.8
2. Access the Cisco BAC administrator user interface. Configuring the Administrator User
Interface, page 15-1
3. Change the admin password. Configuring the Administrator User
Interface, page 15-1
4. Add the appropriate license keys. Managing License Keys, page 17-20