Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
CWMP Device Operations
This chapter describes the device operations mechanism in Cisco Broadband Access Center (BAC). By
using this mechanism, you can run CPE WAN Management Protocol (CWMP) remote procedure calls
for a device and perform maintenance tasks, such as changing a device’s provisioning group.
This chapter includes the following sections:
• Overview, page 14-1
• Connection Modes for Device Operations, page 14-2
• Managing a Device’s Provisioning Group, page 14-6
You use device operations to run individual CWMP remote procedure calls (RPCs) against a device
immediately, or the next time the device connects to Cisco BAC. By using this feature from the
provisioning API, you can troubleshoot, collect data, or customize the interaction between a device and
Cisco BAC.
Device operations are submitted in a batch by using the
IPDevice.performOperation() API call. For
details, refer to the API Javadoc which is available at BPR_HOME/docs/nb-api/javadoc.
You can perform some operations from the administrator user interface. This section is focused on
describing the concepts behind device operations, regardless of whether they are initiated using the API
or the administrator user interface.
During a Cisco BAC installation, several sample files are copied to the BPR_HOME/rdu/samples
directory, which contains:
• The cwmp directory, which features *parameter-list.xml files that describe parameter lists used to
retrieve live device data by using the administrator user interface.
• The nb-api directory, which features CwmpDiagnosticImmediateExample.java and
CwmpDiagnosticOnConnectExample.java files that describe how you can perform device
operations by using the API.
The device operations supported in this Cisco BAC release are listed in Table 14-1.
Table 14-1 Device Operations Supported in Cisco BAC
Operation Name Description
CreateObjectInstance Creates object instances within a device’s data model
DeleteObjectInstance Deletes objects from a device’s data model