Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Chapter 20 Cisco BAC Support Tools and Advanced Concepts
Using the runEventMonitor.sh Tool
Syntax Description
To run the event monitor, enter:
# /opt/CSCObac/rdu/internal/bin/runEventMonitor.sh [options]
Options are used to specify the RDU connection parameters and amount of output. You have the
following options:
• -noverbose—Forces the event monitor to display only the types of events being fired, not their
• -host host—Specifies the host where the RDU is located. Default is the localhost.
• -port port—Specifies the port on which the RDU is listening. Default is 49187.
Example 20-5 Sample Event Monitor Output.
If need help, please restart command with '?' parameter.
Verbose mode: true
RDU host: localhost
RDU port: 49187
Connecting to RDU...ok
Listening for events...
ExternalFileEvent added filename=gold.cm
rev=1014671115124(Mon Feb 25 16:05:15 EST 2002)
source=BPR Provisioning API:BPR Regional Distribution Unit:AddExternalFile command
DeviceEvent newProvDevice ID=1,6,01:02:03:04:05:06
rev=1014671179380(Mon Feb 25 16:06:19 EST 2002)
Messaging Connection Up Indicates when a connection on the local
instance of the messaging system starts.
Messaging Connection Down Indicates when a connection on the local
instance of the messaging system stops.
Messaging Queue Full Indicates when the queue on the local
instance of the messaging system is full
and starts dropping messages.
Provisioning Group Changed Indicates when the provisioning group is
Server Properties Common Properties Indicates when common properties that
effect the RDU or DPE change.
System Configuration Server Defaults Changed Indicates when properties are changed on
an user, RDU, or DPE.
System Configuration System Configuration
Indicates when the system configuration
is changed.
System Configuration System Defaults Changed Indicates when defaults are changed.
Table 20-1 Events that can be viewed from the Event Monitor (continued)
Event Sub-Event Description