Cisco Broadband Access Center 3.8 Administrator Guide
Chapter 16 Using the Administrator User Interface
Viewing Servers
Table 16-6 View RDU Details Page
Field or Button Description
Regional Distribution Unit Details
Host Name Identifies the host name of the system that is running the regional
distribution unit.
Port Identifies the RDU listening port number for connections from the DPEs.
The default port number is 49187, but a different port can be selected during
installation of the RDU.
IP Address Identifies the IP address assigned to the RDU.
Properties Identifies properties configured for the RDU.
Version Specifies the version of RDU software currently in use.
UpTime Specifies the total time that the RDU has been operational since its last
period of downtime.
State Identifies whether the RDU is ready to respond to requests. The only state
that is featured using the administrator user interface is Ready.
PACE Statistics
Batches Processed Identifies how many individual batches have been processed since the last
RDU start-up.
Batches Succeeded Identifies how many individual batches have been successfully processed
since the last RDU start-up.
Batches Dropped Identifies how many batches have been dropped since the last RDU start-up.
Batches Failed Identifies how many batches have failed processing since the last RDU
Average Processing
Identifies the average time, in milliseconds, that it takes to process the batch
excluding the time it spends in the queue if RDU is too busy.
Average Batch
Processing Time
Identifies the average time, in milliseconds, that it takes to process the batch
including the time it spends in the queue if RDU is too busy.
This is the Instruction Generation Service.
State Identifies the operational state of the instruction generation service. This
could be:
• Idle—Specifies that the IGS is not processing regeneration requests.
• Regeneration—Specifies that the IGS is processing regeneration
• Waiting Regeneration—Specifies that the IGS is unable to regenerate
instructions for a device. When the IGS is stuck in this state, consult the
rdu.log for details.
Requests Processed Identifies the number of instruction generation requests processed since last
RDU start-up.
Elapsed Time Identifies, in seconds, the time elapsed since the start of regeneration.
Devices Regenerated Identifies the number of device instructions regenerated since the
regeneration process started.