Intel 8XC196MD Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

Table A-3 shows the effect of the PSW flags or a specified condition on conditional jump instruc-
tions. Table A-4 defines the symbols used in Table A-6 to show the effect of each instruction on
the PSW flags.
Table A-3. Effect of PSW Flags or Specified Conditions on Conditional Jump Instructions
Instruction Jumps to Destination if Continues if
DJNZ decremented byte 0 decremented byte = 0
DJNZW decremented word 0 decremented word = 0
JBC specified register bit = 0 specified register bit = 1
JBS specified register bit = 1 specified register bit = 0
JNC C = 0 C = 1
JNH C = 0 OR Z = 1 C = 1 AND Z = 0
JC C = 1 C = 0
JH C = 1 AND Z = 0 C = 0 OR Z = 1
JGE N = 0 N = 1
JGT N = 0 AND Z = 0 N = 1 OR Z = 1
JLT N = 1 N = 0
JLE N = 1 OR Z = 1 N = 0 AND Z = 0
JNST ST = 0 ST = 1
JST ST = 1 ST = 0
JNV V = 0 V = 1
JV V = 1 V = 0
JNVT VT = 0 VT = 1 (clears VT)
JVT VT = 1 (clears VT) VT = 0
JNE Z = 0 Z = 1
JE Z = 1 Z = 0
Table A-4. PSW Flag Setting Symbols
Symbol Description
The instruction sets or clears the flag, as appropriate.
The instruction does not modify the flag.
The instruction may clear the flag, if it is appropriate, but cannot set it.
The instruction may set the flag, if it is appropriate, but cannot clear it.
1 The instruction sets the flag.
0 The instruction clears the flag.
? The instruction leaves the flag in an indeterminate state.