© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 23 May 2005 9 of 133
Philips Semiconductors
P89LPC932A1 User manual
P1.0 to P1.7 18, 17, 12,
11, 10, 6,
5, 4
14, 13, 8,
7, 6, 2, 1,
I/O, I
Port 1: Port 1 is an 8-bit I/O port with a user-configurable output type,
except for three pins as noted below. During reset Port 1 latches are
configured in the input only mode with the internal pull-up disabled. The
operation of the configurable Port 1 pins as inputs and outputs depends
upon the port configuration selected. Each of the configurable port pins
are programmed independently. Refer to Section 4.1 “
Port configurations”
and the P89LPC932A1 data sheet, Static characteristics for details.
P1.2 to P1.3 are open drain when used as outputs. P1.5 is input only.
All pins have Schmitt triggered inputs.
Port 1 also provides various special functions as described below:
18 14 I/O P1.0 — Port 1 bit 0.
O TXD — Transmitter output for the serial port.
17 13 I/O P1.1 — Port 1 bit 1.
I RXD — Receiver input for the serial port.
12 8 I/O P1.2 — Port 1 bit 2 (open-drain when used as output).
I/O T0 — Timer/counter 0 external count input or overflow output (open-drain
when used as output).
C serial clock input/output.
11 7 I/O P1.3 — Port 1 bit 3 (open-drain when used as output).
— External interrupt 0 input.
C serial data input/output.
10 6 I P1.4 — Port 1 bit 4.
— External interrupt 1 input.
62 IP1.5 — Port 1 bit 5 (input only).
— External Reset input during power-on or if selected via UCFG1.
When functioning as a reset input, a LOW on this pin resets the
microcontroller, causing I/O ports and peripherals to take on their default
states, and the processor begins execution at address 0. Also used
during a power-on sequence to force In-System Programming mode.
When using an oscillator frequency above 12 MHz, the reset input
function of P1.5 must be enabled. An external circuit is required to
hold the device in reset at powerup until V
has reached its
specified level. When system power is removed V
will fall below
the minimum specified operating voltage. When using an oscillator
frequency above 12 MHz, in some applications, an external
brownout detect circuit may be required to hold the device in reset
when V
falls below the minimum specified operating voltage.
51 I/OP1.6 — Port 1 bit 6.
O OCB — Output Compare B
428I/OP1.7 — Port 1 bit 7.
O OCC — Output Compare C
Table 1: Pin description
Symbol Pin Type Description