
© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 23 May 2005 124 of 133
Philips Semiconductors
P89LPC932A1 User manual
18.18 User security bytes
This device has three security bits associated with each of its eight sectors, as shown in
Table 103
4 WDSE Watchdog Safety Enable bit. Refer to Table 86 “Watchdog timer configuration for details.
5 BOE Brownout Detect Enable (see Section 5.1 “
Brownout detection)
6 RPE Reset pin enable. When set = 1, enables the reset function of pin P1.5. When cleared, P1.5 may be used as
an input pin. NOTE: During a power-up sequence, the RPE selection is overridden and this pin will always
functions as a reset input. After power-up the pin will function as defined by the RPE bit. Only a power-up
reset will temporarily override the selection defined by RPE bit. Other sources of reset will not override the
RPE bit.
7 WDTE Watchdog timer reset enable. When set = 1, enables the watchdog timer reset. When cleared = 0, disables
the watchdog timer reset. The timer may still be used to generate an interrupt. Refer to Table 86 “
timer configuration for details.
Table 101: Flash User Configuration Byte (UCFG1) bit description
Bit Symbol Description
Table 102: Oscillator type selection
FOSC[2:0] Oscillator configuration
111 External clock input on XTAL1.
100 Watchdog Oscillator, 400 kHz (+20/ 30 % tolerance).
011 Internal RC oscillator, 7.373 MHz ± 2.5 %.
010 Low frequency crystal, 20 kHz to 100 kHz.
001 Medium frequency crystal or resonator, 100 kHz to 4 MHz.
000 High frequency crystal or resonator, 4 MHz to 12 MHz.
Table 103: Sector Security Bytes (SECx) bit allocation
Bit 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Table 104: Sector Security Bytes (SECx) bit description
Bit Symbol Description
0 MOVCDISx MOVC Disable. Disables the MOVC command for sector x. Any MOVC that attempts to read a byte in a
MOVC protected sector will return invalid data. This bit can only be erased when sector x is erased.
1 SPEDISx Sector Program Erase Disable x. Disables program or erase of all or part of sector x. This bit and sector
x are erased by either a sector erase command (ISP, IAP, commercial programmer) or a 'global' erase
command (commercial programmer).
2 EDISx Erase Disable ISP. Disables the ability to perform an erase of sector x in ISP or IAP mode. When
programmed, this bit and sector x can only be erased by a 'global' erase command using a commercial
programmer. This bit and sector x CANNOT be erased in ISP or IAP modes.
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