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User manual Rev. 02 — 23 May 2005 118 of 133
Philips Semiconductors
P89LPC932A1 User manual
18.12 In-application programming (IAP)
Several In-Application Programming (IAP) calls are available for use by an application
program to permit selective erasing and programming of Flash sectors, pages, security
bits, configuration bytes, and device id. All calls are made through a common interface,
PGM_MTP. The programming functions are selected by setting up the microcontroller’s
registers before making a call to PGM_MTP at FF03H. The IAP calls are shown in
Table 9 9
18.13 IAP authorization key
(This feature was not present in the original P89LPC932).
05 Read Sector CRC
xxxx = required field but value is a ‘don’t care’
aa= sector address high byte
cc= checksum
06 Read Global CRC
xxxx = required field but value is a ‘don’t care’
cc= checksum
07 Direct Load of Baud Rate
xxxx = required field but value is a ‘don’t care’
HH= high byte of timer
LL = low byte of timer
cc = checksum
08 Reset MCU
xxxx = required field but value is a ‘don’t care’
cc = checksum
Table 97: In-system Programming (ISP) hex record formats
Record type Command/data function