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User manual Rev. 02 — 23 May 2005 126 of 133
Philips Semiconductors
P89LPC932A1 User manual
5 AWP Activate Write Protection bit. When this bit is cleared, the internal Write Enable flag is forced to the set
state, thus writes to the flash memory are always enabled. When this bit is set, the Write Enable internal
flag can be set or cleared using the Set Write Enable (SWE) or Clear Write Enable (CWE) commands.
6 CWP Configuration Write Protect bit. Protects inadvertent writes to the user programmable configuration
bytes (UCFG1, BOOTVEC, and BOOTSTAT). If programmed to a logic 1, the writes to these registers
are disabled. If programmed to a logic 0, writes to these registers are enabled.
This bit is set by programming the BOOTSTAT register. This bit is cleared by writing the Clear
Configuration Protection (CCP) command to FMCON followed by writing 96H to FMDATA.
7 DCCP Disable Clear Configuration Protection command. If Programmed to ‘1’, the Clear Configuration
Protection (CCP) command is disabled during ISP or IAP modes. This command can still be used in
ICP or parallel programmer modes. If programmed to ‘0’, the CCP command can be used in all
programming modes. This bit is set by programming the BOOTSTAT register. This bit is cleared by
writing the Clear Configuration Protection (CCP) command in either ICP or parallel programmer modes.
Table 109: Boot Status (BOOTSTAT) bit description
Bit Symbol Description