© Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. 2005. All rights reserved.
User manual Rev. 02 — 23 May 2005 108 of 133
Philips Semiconductors
P89LPC932A1 User manual
1. Write to DEECON with ECTL1/ECTL0 (DEECON[5:4]) = ‘10’ and correct bit 8 address
to EADR8. (Note that if the correct values are already written to DEECON, there is no
need to write to this register.)
2. Write the fill pattern to the DEEDAT register. (Note that if the correct values are
already written to DEEDAT, there is no need to write to this register.)
3. Write address bits 7 to 0 to DEEADR. Note that address bits 5 to 0 are ignored.
4. If both the EIEE (IEN1.7) bit and the EA (IEN0.7) bit are logic 1s, wait for the Data
EEPROM interrupt then read/poll the EEIF (DEECON.7) bit until it is set to logic 1. If
EIEE or EA is logic 0, the interrupt is disabled and only polling is enabled. When EEIF
is logic 1, the operation is complete and row is filled with the DEEDAT pattern.
17.7 Data EEPROM Block Fill
The Data EEPROM array can be filled with a predetermined data pattern via polling or
1. Write to DEECON with ECTL1/ECTL0 (DEECON[5:4]) = ‘11’. Set bit EADR8 = 1.
2. Write the fill pattern to the DEEDAT register.
3. Write any address to DEEADR. Note that the entire address is ignored in a block fill
4. If both the EIEE (IEN1.7) bit and the EA (IEN0.7) bit are logic 1s, wait for the Data
EEPROM interrupt then read/poll the EEIF (DEECON.7) bit until it is set to logic 1. If
EIEE or EA is logic 0, the interrupt is disabled and only polling is enabled. When EEIF
is logic 1, the operation is complete.
18. Flash memory
18.1 General description
The P89LPC932A1 Flash memory provides in-circuit electrical erasure and programming.
The Flash can be read and written as bytes. The Sector and Page Erase functions can
erase any Flash sector (1 kB) or page (64 bytes). The Chip Erase operation will erase the
entire program memory. Five Flash programming methods are available. On-chip erase
and write timing generation contribute to a user-friendly programming interface. The
P89LPC932A1 Flash reliably stores memory contents even after 100,000 erase and
program cycles. The cell is designed to optimize the erase and programming
mechanisms. P89LPC932A1 uses V
as the supply voltage to perform the
Program/Erase algorithms
18.2 Features
• Parallel programming with industry-standard commercial programmers
• In-Circuit serial Programming (ICP) with industry-standard commercial
programmers.(This feature was not present in the original P89LPC932).
• IAP-Lite allows individual and multiple bytes of code memory to be used for data
storage and programmed under control of the end application.(This feature was not
present in the original P89LPC932).