Editing Patient Information 5 Managing Patients
Select Enter.
4 In the confirmation window, select Confirm to discharge the previous patient (if confirmation is
5 Check that patient category and paced status are correct for the new patient.
If the monitor is connected to an Information Center and only the MRN is entered, the patient name
is set to - - - . The patient name field on the monitor shows
Not Admitted and the patient name
space on printed reports is blank. To fully admit this patient, select Admit
Patient again and
complete all required fields.
Editing Patient Information
To edit the patient information after a patient has been admitted, select the patient name field on the
Main Screen to open the
Patient Demographics window, and make the required changes.
Discharging a Patient
You should always perform a discharge even if your previous patient was not admitted. A discharge:
– clears the information in the Patient Demographics window
– erases all patient data (such as trend, event, and calculation data) from the monitor, measurement
servers and Information Center. This ensures that data from a previous patient are not mixed
with data from the new patient.
– resets patient category and paced settings to the settings defined in the default Profile
– resets all monitor and measurement settings as well as the active Screen to the settings defined in
the default Profile
– discharges the patient from the Information Center.
When a patient is discharged from the monitor or from an Information Center, all patient data is
deleted. Make sure that you have printed out any required reports before discharging. Check that a
functioning local or central printer is available before you use End Case.
To discharge a patient,
1 Select the patient name field to display the Patient Demographics window and associated
pop-up keys.
2 Select the pop-up key for either:
– End Case - to print any configured end case reports or vital signs recording, discharge the
patient and clear the patient database, then enter standby mode. If an End Case SmartKey is
configured for your monitor, you can also select this instead and then confirm.
To see which end case reports are set up for your monitor, select Main Setup -> Reports ->
Auto Reports. For each auto report, if End Case Report is set to On, this report will
be printed when you select End Case. See the section on AutoReports for information on
setting up end case reports.
– Dischrge Patient - to discharge the patient without printing any reports.