20 Trends Documenting Trends
In the Main Setup menu, select Trends.
2 Select Parameter Scales.
3 Select the measurement or parameter you want to change from the list.
4 Select the pop-up key Change to call up the Scale menu.
5 In the Scale menu, select the parameter label you want to define settings for. Select Adult,
Pedi, and Neo and use the pop-up keypad to enter new upper and lower scale definitions.
Graphical Trend Presentation
Graphical trends and screen trends for measurements with compound values (for example ABP or
) can be viewed in line or band form.
To change the presentation style,
1 Select Main Setup -> Trends
2 Select Global Style and choose
Line to display the trends as a continuous line
Band to fill the area between the trend lines, for example, between the systolic and diastolic
pressures, with color.
This sample ABP
trend shows the
measured values for
the systolic, diastolic
and mean pressures
displayed in band
Documenting Trends
To print a Vital Signs or Graphical Trends report,
♦ in the Vital Signs or Graph Trends window, select the pop-up key Print to print a report
for the trend group currently on the monitor screen.
Reports include the most recent information in the trends database and extend backwards in time
according to the selected trend interval and your monitor’s configuration. Trends reports can be
printed on central or local printers.
To make a Vital Signs recording,
♦ in the Vital Signs window, select the Print/Record pop-up key, then select the Record
pop-up key.
Vital Signs recordings print the trend data for the current group and trend period shown in the
Vital Signs window.