Arrhythmia Relearning 6 ECG, Arrhythmia, and ST Monitoring
Ectopic Status Messages
The label B or E indicates basic (B) or enhanced (E) arrhythmia capability.
Arrhythmia Relearning
During a learning phase:
• Alarm timeout periods are cleared
• Stored arrhythmia templates are cleared
Asystole, Vfib, and HR alarms (when there are enough beats to compute the HR) are active. No other
alarms are active.
Initiating Arrhythmia Relearning Manually
1 To initiate relearning manually, in the Setup Arrhythmia menu, select Relearn Arrhy.
– While the monitor is learning, the delayed arrhythmia wave displays the beat label
L and the
rhythm status message
– Next, the monitor determines the dominant rhythm. The beats are labeled
N, and the rhythm
status message changes to
2 After relearning is complete, you should check the delayed arrhythmia wave to ensure that the
algorithm is labeling the beats correctly.
3 If beats are still not classified correctly, check that the ECG is optimized for arrhythmia
monitoring. You may need to select a different lead or change the electrodes or electrode positions
if there is excessive noise, unstable voltage, low amplitude, or large P- or T-waves.
Ectopic Status Message Explanation B or E
(No message displayed) No ectopic activity within the last minute
RUN PVCs More than 2 consecutive PVCs within the last minute E
PAIR PVCs Pair PVCs within the last minute E
PACER NOT CAPT Pause with pace pulse (paced patient only) within the last minute B, E
PACER NOT PACE Pause without pace pulse (paced patient only) within the last minute B, E
PAUSE No beat detected for 1.75 x average R-R interval for HR <120, or
No beat for 1 second with HR >120 (non-paced patient only), or
No beat detected for more than the set pause threshold.
R-ON-T PVCs R-ON-T detected within the last minute E
MULTIFORM PVCs Multiform PVCs detected within the last minute E
FREQUENT SVPBs SVPB count within last minute is greater than 5 E
SVPBs 1-5 SVPBs in the last minute with a sinus rhythm and no Vs E
SV BEATS SV count within last minute and rhythm status is PACED B, E
PACED BEATS Paced beat count within last minute and rhythm status is NOT
B, E