33 Accessories tcGas Accessories
tcGas Accessories
This symbol indicates that the specified transducer (but not its membranes) is designed
to have special protection against electric shocks (particularly regarding allowable
leakage currents), and is defibrillator proof.
EEG Accessories
BIS Accessories
Use only Aspect BIS sensors with the BIS module or BIS Interface board (MP20/MP30). The sensor is
a silver/silverchloride electrode array that uses Aspect’s patented ZipPrep technology and a proprietary
connector. The sensor/electrodes are for single patient use only. Check shelf-life before use.
The patient interface cable (Philips Ordering No. M1034-61630, Aspect Part No. 186-0131) has an
estimated lifetime of one year. Do not scrap it when disposing of the BIS sensor.
The sensor cable from the Semi-Reusable Sensor is re-usable but has a maximum number of uses, the
electrodes are single patient use only. The monitor displays how many uses remain for the sensor cable.
Description Part No.
12x tc Accessory Kit (O-ring remover, absorbent paper, electrolyte solution,
replacement membrane)
tc Application Kit (4x25 disposable fixation rings, 4x20ml contact fluid) 15209-60020
Calibration gas - 6 gas bottles 15210-60010
Calibration gas - 6 gas bottles (Europe and Japan only) 15210-64010
Replacement tubing (5 tubes) M2205A
transducer M1918A
Calibration unit 15210B
Radiometer TCC3 calibration unit (available from Radiometer) n/a
Description Part No.
Trunk Cable 2.7m M2268A
Trunk Cable, 1.0 m M2269A
Reusable 80-cm-long 5-lead cables with 10mm silver/silverchloride leadwired cup
electrodes (Adult)
Reusable 80-cm-long 5-lead cables with 6mm silver/silverchloride leadwired cup
electrodes (Pediatric/Neonatal)
Reusable 80 cm 5-lead cables with clip M1934A
Disposable EEG electrodes M1935A
EC2™ Electrode Cream (conductive paste) M1937A