Damping is used to smooth out small, rapid fluctuations in process measurement. Damping
Value specifies the time period (in seconds) over which the transmitter will spread changes
in the reported process variable. At the end of the interval, the reported process variable
will reflect 63% of the change in the actual measured value.
Enter the value you want to use for Temperature Damping.
The default value is 4.8 seconds. The range is 0.0 to 76.8 seconds.
• A high damping value makes the process variable appear smoother because the reported value
changes slowly.
• A low damping value makes the process variable appear more erratic because the reported value
changes more quickly.
• Whenever the damping value is non-zero, the reported measurement will lag the actual
measurement because the reported value is being averaged over time.
• In general, lower damping values are preferable because there is less chance of data loss, and less
lag time between the actual measurement and the reported value.
The value you enter is automaticaly rounded down to the nearest valid value. Valid values
for Temperature Damping are 0, 0.6, 1.2, 2.4, 4.8, … 76.8.
Effect of Temperature Damping on process measurement
Temperature Damping affects the response speed for temperature compensation with
fluctuating temperatures. Temperature compensation adjusts the process measurement
to compensate for the effect of temperature on the sensor tube.
4.7 Configure pressure compensation
Pressure compensation adjusts process measurement to compensate for the pressure
effect on the sensor. The pressure effect is the change in the sensor’s sensitivity to flow
and density caused by the difference between the calibration pressure and the process
Not all sensors or applications require pressure compensation. The pressure effect for a specific
sensor model can be found in the product data sheet located at www.micromotion.com. If you are
uncertain about implementing pressure compensation, contact Micro Motion customer service.
4.7.1 Configure pressure compensation using ProLink II
Configure process measurement
Configuration and Use Manual 51