48 Micro Motion
Model 2200S Transmitters
Configuring Process Measurement
Not all sensors or applications require pressure correction factors. For the pressure correction values
to be used, obtain the pressure effect values from the product data sheet for your sensor, then reverse
the signs (e.g., if the pressure effect is 0.000004, enter a pressure correction factor of –0.000004).
4.9.2 Configuration procedure
To enable and configure pressure compensation:
• With the Communicator, see Figure 4-3.
• With ProLink II, see Figure 4-4.
Note: You cannot configure pressure compensation with the display.
Figure 4-3 Configuring pressure compensation with the Communicator
Enter Flow factr
Configure pressure compensation
Enter Dens factr
Enter Flowcal pressure
Enter Static Pressure
6 Pressure Comp
2 Config field dev var
Enter Pressure unit
Set pressure measurement unit
4 Pressure
1 Charize Sensor
Enable pressure comp
On-Line Menu >
6 Detailed Setup
On-Line Menu >
6 Detailed Setup