Configuration and Use Manual 133
Model 2200S Display and User Interface
Operation AppendicesMaintenance and TroubleshootingCommissioning Operation AppendicesMaintenance and TroubleshootingCommissioning Operation AppendicesMaintenance and TroubleshootingCommissioning Operation AppendicesMaintenance and TroubleshootingCommissioning
C.5 Codes and abbreviations
Table C-1 lists and defines the codes and abbreviations that are used for display variables.
Table C-2 lists and defines the codes and abbreviations that are used in the off-line menu.
Note: These tables do not list terms that are spelled out completely, or codes that are used to identify
measurement units. For the codes that are used to identify measurement units, see Chapter 4.
Table C-1 Codes used for display variables
Code or abbreviation Definition Comment or reference
AVE_D Average density
AVE_T Average temperature
BRD T Board temperature
DGAIN Drive gain
GSV F Gas standard volume flow
GSV I Gas standard volume flow
LPO_A Left pickoff amplitude
LVOLI Volume inventory
LZERO Live zero flow
MASSI Mass inventory
MTR T Case temperature
PWRIN Input voltage Refers to power input to the core processor
RPO A Right pickoff amplitude
TUBEF Raw tube frequency
WTAVE Weighted average
Table C-2 Codes used in off-line menu
Code or abbreviation Definition Comment or reference
ACK Display Ack All menu
ACK ALARM Acknowledge alarm
ACK ALL Acknowledge all
AO Analog output
ADDR Address
CAL Calibrate
CH A Channel A
CHANGE PASSW Change password Change the password required for access to
display functions
CONFG Configuration
CORE Core processor
CUR Z Current zero
DENS Density
DRIVE%, DGAIN Drive gain
DISBL Disable
Select to disable
DSPLY Display