136 Micro Motion
Model 2200S Transmitters
Connecting with ProLink II Software
To make a HART/Bell 202 connection using ProLink II:
1. Attach the HART signal converter to the serial or USB port of your PC.
2. To connect to a HART multidrop network, connect the HART signal converter leads to any
point on the network (see Figure D-1). The HART/Bell 202 connection is polarity-insensitive.
To connect to the HART clips:
a. Remove the transmitter housing cover (see Section C.3).
b. Connect the HART signal converter leads to the HART clips on the face of the transmitter
(see Figure D-2). The HART/Bell 202 connection is polarity-insensitive. You can connect
either lead to either clip.
Note: The HART clips on the face of the transmitter are connected to the transmitter’s mA/HART
terminals. You may connect directly to the mA/HART terminals (terminals 1 and 2) if you have
removed the user interface module.
Figure D-1 HART/Bell 202 connections to network
See Step 3
See Step 3
DCS or
See Step 3
mA output wiring
Connection is polarity-insensitive