7-22 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring T1 Cards
Specifying analog encoding for TAOS unit codecs
• Clock-Source set to Eligible (the default)
In T1 profile for the other end of the line, specify the following values:
• Signaling-Mode set to Inband (the default)
• Robbed-Bit-Mode set to Inc-W-200 or Inc-W-400
• Clock-Source set to Eligible (the default)
Connect the two ports with a T1-crossover cable. You can now configure Connection profiles
between the units and dial over the connection as you would over the WAN. (For information
about configuring Connection profiles, see the APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT WAN, Routing
and Tunneling Configuration Guide.)
Specifying analog encoding for TAOS unit codecs
Codecs connected to T1 use a different encoding standard for digitized analog data than do
codecs connected to E1. The default for T1 is U-Law, the default for E1 is A-Law.
To specify the analog encoding, proceed as in the following example:
1 Open the System profile:
admin> read system
2 Specify the analog encoding for all the codecs in the TAOS unit:
admin> set analog-encoding = u-law
3 Write the System profile to save the changes:
admin> write
SYSTEM written
Configuring specialized options
The settings described in this section are not normally used. Depending on your configuration,
however, you might need to change the default values.
Typically, the D channel of a PRI line uses normal data. However, for some connections you
might need to invert the data to avoid transmitting a pattern that the connection cannot handle.
Inversion changes 1s to 0s and 0s to 1s. Both sides of the connection must agree to use inverted
Idle mode determines whether the D channel looks for a flag pattern (01111110) or a mark
pattern (11111111) as the idle indicator. The default setting, Flag-Idle, is usually correct.
To set these options, use the Data-Sense and Idle-Mode parameters:
admin> set data-sense = [normal|inv]
admin> set idle-mode = [mark-idle|flag-idle]
admin> write