18-10 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
admin> set line-interface enabled = yes
admin> set line-interface signaling-mode = ss7-data-trunk
admin> set line-interface incoming-call-handling = inter-
admin> set line-interface channel-config 24 channel-usage =
admin> write
T1/{ shelf-1 slot-1 7 } written
E1 lines as SS7 data trunks
Configuring the E1 SS7 data trunks is very similar to configuring T1 data trunks. To configure
E1 lines for SS7, you must set the following parameters in an E1 profile, shown with sample
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-10 1 }:line-interface]
signaling-mode = ss7-data-trunk
incoming-call-handling = internal-processing
[in E1/{ shelf-1 slot-10 1 }:line-interface:channel-config[17]]
channel-usage = switched-channel]
Parameter Usage for SS7 data trunks
Signaling-Mode For an SS7 data trunk, which carries no signaling, this parameter
can be set to either of the following values. The setting registers
the line with the signaling gateway and allows the gateway to take
control of the line and its calls.
ss7-data-trunk causes the TAOS unit to provide clear
64Kbps SS7 data trunk support. If any of the PSTN switches you
are using is a 1AESS switch, which uses robbed-bit signaling, this
setting can sometimes cause that switch to receive fluctuating A/B
bit status. This condition might ultimately force the line out of
service, unless you disable robbed-bit signaling on the 1AESS
ss7-robbed-bit causes the TAOS unit to send a steady A/B
bit status on the SS7 data trunk, which eliminates the need to
disable robbed-bit signaling on the 1AESS switch.
Specifies how the TAOS unit processes incoming calls on this line.
For SS7 data trunks, the parameter must be set to
internal-processing in this release. The
ss7-gateway-processing setting for passing incoming call
requests to an external signaling gateway is currently not
In the TAOS unit, the channel-config index begins with 1 (not 0),
so E1 lines typically use channel 17 for signaling. For SS7 data
trunks, change the default Channel-Usage setting for channel 17
from d-channel to switched-channel.