5-2 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Series56 II and III Modem and Hybrid Access Cards
Specifying modem negotiation settings
Specifying modem negotiation settings
Calls from analog modems are directed first to the digital modems, where the connection must
be negotiated before being directed to by the terminal-server software. Options in the
Terminal-Server > Modem-Configuration subprofile allow you to modify the way the digital
modems negotiate a connection.
To specify changes in how the negotiation occurs:
1 Read the Terminal-Server profile into the editing buffer:
admin> read terminal-server
Table 5-1. Modem configuration tasks
Description of task Section Associated parameters
Some analog modem calls might require
changes to the digital modem’s default
behavior to successfully complete
“Specifying modem negotiation
settings” on page 5-2
You might need to change the modulation
of Series56 II and III modems from the
default of V.90. For example, in some cases,
V.32 and V.34 modems do not successfully
complete modem training after reception of
the V.8bis tone from the APX 8000 and
MAX TNT unit Series56 II and III modems.
Configuring V.34 modulation can help this
“Specifying modem modulation
for Series56 II and III modem
cards” on page 5-3
You might need to modify the AT answer
strings that the APX 8000 and MAX TNT
unit sends to its modems. You can do this by
specifying an extra answer string in the
command line interfaces.
“Configuring an additional AT
answer string for modem calls” on
page 5-3
Because the Series56 II and III slot cards
can terminate both modem and HDLC calls,
the APX 8000 and MAX TNT unit creates
two call route profiles for each channel on
the card: one for a digital call and one for a
modem call.
“Series56 II and III Call-Route
profiles” on page 5-4