Configuring Serial WAN (SWAN) Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Specifying the SWAN internal clock speed
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 12-5
Specifying the SWAN internal clock speed
The SWAN slot card can generate a transmit or receive internal clock based on the clock speed
of its Serial Communication Adapter (SCA) chips. The maximum clock speed is 5.55 MHz.
To generate an internal clock for a SWAN line, you configure the following parameters:
The SWAN card uses the following formula to generate its internal clock:
clock speed (MHz) = ( 16.667 / divider ) / ( 2 to the exp power )
The following example shows how to configure an internally generated clock speed:
1 Read the SWAN profile:
admin>read swan {1 13 2}
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-13 2 } read
2 List the profile:
[in SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-13 2 }]
name = 1:13:2
physical-address* = { shelf-1 slot-13 2 }
enabled = yes
line-config = { 0 61 static { any-shelf any-slot 0 } { exte +
3 List the Line-Config profile
admin>list line-config
[in SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-13 2 }:line-config]
trunk-group = 0
nailed-group = 61
activation = static
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
clocking = { external-clock 1 2 }
4 List the Clocking subprofile:
admin>list clocking
[in SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-13 2 }:line-config:clocking]
clock-mode = external-clock
Parameter Description
Clock-Mode Specifies whether the SWAN card generates an internal clock.
External-Clock (the default) specifies the SWAN line receives clock
from an external source. Internal-Clock specifies the SWAN line
generates its own clock. If set to External-Clock, none of the other
parameters in the Clocking profile apply.
Divider The number by which the SCA internal clock speed, 16.667 MHz, is
divided to calculate the internal clock speed. Valid values are from 1
to 256.
Exp The exponent which is used to calculate the internal clock speed. Valid
values are from 0 to 9.