14-4 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring DS3-ATM Cards
Examples of DS3-ATM configurations
Looping back the line
To diagnose possible line problems, you can loop back the DS3-ATM interface by using the
Loopback parameter in the line profile. While the interface is looped back, normal data traffic
is interrupted. The Loopback parameter in the DS3-ATM profile supports the following
• No-Loopback. The default, specifies that the line is operating normally.
• Facility-Loopback. During a facility loopback, the card returns the signal it receives on the
line. The remote end receives back the signal it transmitted.
• Local-Loopback. During a local loopback, the receive path is connected to the transmit
path at the DS3 multiplexer, enabling the slot card to receive what it transmitted.
For example, the following commands activate a local loopback:
admin> read ds3-atm {1 3 1}
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-3 1 } read
admin> set line loopback= local-loopback
admin> write
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-3 1 } written
To end the loopback, set the Loopback parameter to No-Loopback. For example:
admin> set line loopback = no-loopback
admin> write
DS3-ATM/{ shelf-1 slot-3 1 } written
For more details about checking line status and performing line checks, see the APX
8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Administration Guide.