Configuring the Thermal Profile for Fan Tray Operations (APX 8000)
Overview of the Thermal profile for fan tray operations
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 3-3
admin> write
THERMAL written
admin> list
fantray-lownoise-rpm = 2500
operation-mode = auto-regulation
low-temperature-trigger = 30
high-temperature-trigger = 37
alarm-temperature-trigger = 50
Related log messages
When the fan tray is in auto-regulation mode, the system can generate the following Info log
messages to indicate that the system has switched the fans from low noise to full speed, or vice
LOG info, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time: 10:31:39--
Fantray now running in lownoise-mode (30 C)
LOG info, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time: 10:34:40--
Fantray now running at full speed (37 C)
If you modify the fan operation mode setting in the Thermal profile, the system generates an
Info log message such as the following:
LOG info, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time: 11:06:44--
Fantray set to run in Auto-regulation mode
Thermal alarms
When the temperature of the system reaches the Alarm-temperature-trigger threshold specified
in the Thermal profile, the system is in an alarm state. When this happens, the following events
• The system generates an Error log message such as the following:
LOG error, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time: 11:10:23--
Temperature Alarm triggered (50 C)
• The Alarm relay on the shelf controller is enabled. This turns on whatever signal is
connected to the Alarm relay on the shelf controller.
• The Alarm status light in the fan tray front panel turns ON.
When the temperature falls back 2 degrees Celsius below the Alarm temperature trigger
threshold, the alarm state is cleared and the following events occur:
• The system generates a Warning log message such as the following:
LOG warning, Shelf 1, Slot 42, Time: 11:11:33--
Temperature Alarm cleared (48 C)
• The Alarm relay on the shelf controller is disabled.
• The Alarm status light in the fan tray front panel turns OFF.
The 2-degree temperature cushion retards system response slightly so that the Alarm state is
not triggered repeatedly around a threshold.