12-4 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Configuring Serial WAN (SWAN) Cards (MAX TNT, DSLTNT)
Assigning a name to a SWAN profile
clock-mode = external-clock
divider = 1
exp = 2
Assigning a name to a SWAN profile
In a SWAN profile, the Name parameter enables you to assign the profile a name of up to 16
characters. By default, the name displays the address of the card as shelf:slot:item. Note that
the TAOS unit uses only the physical address to identify the SWAN line.
The name is displayed after the line’s physical address in the Dir command output. For
admin> read SWAN {1 12 0}
admin> set name = SWAN1
admin> write
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-12 0 } written
admin> dir SWAN
17 04/17/1997 19:00:02 { shelf-1 slot-12 0 } "SWAN1"
For SWAN lines, the Line Status window displays the first eight characters of the name if one
has been assigned. If the name is longer than eight characters, the last character displayed is a
plus sign (+).
Enabling a line
By default each SWAN line is disabled. To enable a SWAN line, read its profile to make it the
working profile, then set Enabled to Yes, as in the following example:
admin> read SWAN {1 2 1}
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set enabled = yes
admin> write
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written
Specifying a nailed group
The Nailed-Group parameter assigns a nailed group number to the SWAN line. The setting,
which must also be specified in a Frame-Relay profile, directs the Frame Relay connection to
use this line.
To specify a nailed group, proceed as in the following example:
admin> read SWAN {1 2 1}
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } read
admin> set line nailed-group= 5
admin> write
SWAN/{ shelf-1 slot-2 1 } written