18-18 Preliminary May 9, 2000 APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide
Signaling System 7 (SS7)
Configuring an SS7 signaling gateway
Command output showing errors
The following sample indicates that errors were detected in SS7 connections:
admin> ss7asg -s
SS7 Signaling Gateway interface statistics:
Initialized successfully: Yes
Interface state: Enabled/Down
Diagnostic level: 0
Number of memory allocation failures: 0
Number of errors in profile operations: 0
Number of invalid memory pointers: 0
Number of internal errors: 8
Initialization Errors:
Number of errors in initialization: 8
Memory pools: 0
Mailboxes: 0
Signaling Layer:
Number of SETUP requests from: L2: 0 CC: 0
Number of CONNECT to ASG: 0
Number of CONNECT_ACK from ASG: 0
Number of SETUP rejected from: L3: 0 CC: 0
Number of DISCONNECT requests from: L2: 0 CC: 0
Number of REGISTRATION to ASG: 0
Number of REGISTRATION_ACK from ASG: 0
Number of DL_REL_IND from L2: 0
Number of DL_EST_IND from L2: 0
Number of T303 expiry events: 0
Number of T305 expiry events: 0
Number of link fail-overs
In a dual LAN configuration, the number of times the
TAOS unit switched from one TCP/IP messaging link to
another due to the failure of the link.
Number of persistent
Number of times the TAOS unit tried to reestablish a
layer 2 link.
Last error
Type of last error. Possible values are:
• No Error: L2 is operating normally.
• Link Loss: Link down.
• Persistent Error: Link down.
• Link Shutdown: Link disabled.
• Link Fail-over: Switched to secondary LAN
Last error status change
Time the last error occurred.
Output field Description