Configuring DSL Connections (DSLTNT)
Sample DSL configurations
APX 8000/MAX TNT/DSLTNT Physical Interface Configuration Guide Preliminary May 9, 2000 17-27
Configuring the ADSL profile
To configure the ADSL profile in this example:
1 Read in the ADSL profile:
admin> read adsl-cap {1 7 3}
2 Enable the port:
admin> set enabled=yes
3 List the contents of the Line-Config profile:
admin> list line-config
[in ADSL-CAP/{ shelf-1 slot-7 3 }:line-config]
trunk-group = 0
nailed-group = 0
activation = static
call-route-info = { any-shelf any-slot 0 }
max-down-stream-rate = 7168000
4 Assign this port to a nailed group:
admin> set nailed-group=73
This nailed group points to the Connection profile you will create later. The nailed group
must be unique for each active WAN interface.
5 Specify the maximum downstream rate:
admin> set max-down-stream-rate=7168000
6 Write the profile:
admin> write
Configuring the Connection profile
To configure the Connection profile in this example:
1 Create a new Connection profile:
admin> new connection dslpipe
2 Enable the profile:
admin> set active=yes
3 Set the encapsulation type to PPP:
admin> set encapsulation-protocol=ppp
4 List the IP-Options submenu:
admin> list ip-options
[in CONNECTION/dslpipe:ip-options]
ip-routing-enabled = yes
vj-header-prediction = yes
remote-address =
local-address =
5 Set the IP address of the DSLPipe connecting to the DSLTNT:
admin> set remote-address=