SFRs, 6-6, 14-3
Port 3, B-18
addressing, 6-14
idle, powerdown, reset status, B-23, B-25
operation, 6-15–6-16
overview, 6-1
pin configuration, 6-14
structure, 6-15
Port 4, B-18
addressing, 6-14
idle, powerdown, reset status, B-23, B-25
operation, 6-15–6-16
overview, 6-1
pin configuration, 6-14
structure, 6-15
Port 5, B-18
considerations, 6-12
idle, powerdown, reset status, B-23, B-25
operation, 6-4, 6-12
overview, 6-1
pin configuration, 6-12
SFRs, 6-6, 14-3
Port 6, B-18
configuration, 6-17
idle, powerdown, reset status, B-23, B-25
operation, 6-17
output configuration register, 6-18, C-62
overview, 6-1
Port 7, B-19
idle, powerdown, reset status, B-24
operation, 6-4
overview, 6-1
SFRs, 6-6, 14-3
Port x data output register, C-34
Port x I/O direction register, C-30
Port x mode register, C-31
Port x pin input register, C-33
Port, serial‚ See SIO port
general-purpose I/O, 2-9
unused inputs, 13-2
Power and ground pins
minimum hardware connections, 13-5
Power consumption, reducing, 2-11, 14-5
Power-up sequence, programming modes, 16-14
Powerdown mode, 2-11, 14-5–14-10
circuitry, external, 14-8, 14-10
disabling, 14-5
enabling, 14-5
entering, 14-6
exiting, 14-6
with EXTINT, 14-7–14-10
with RESET#, 14-6
with V
, 14-6
pin status, B-23
reset status, B-25
Powerdown sequence, programming modes, 16-14
Prefetch queue, 2-6
Priority encoder, 5-4
Processor status word‚ See PSW
Product information, ordering, 1-6
PROG#, 16-10, 16-12, B-20
Program counter‚ See PC
Program memory, 4-2
Program-word routine, 16-22
frequency generator
frequency, 8-3
output, 8-3
Programming modes, 16-1–16-33
algorithms, 16-20, 16-21, 16-23, 16-28
auto, 16-2
entering, 16-13, 16-14
exiting, 16-14
hardware requirements, 16-13
pin functions, 16-11–16-13
selecting, 16-13
serial port, 16-2
slave, 16-1
Programming pulse width register, 16-8, C-39
Programming voltages, 13-1, 14-2, 16-13, B-21
calculating, 16-15
PSW, 2-4, 3-11, C-40
flags, and instructions, A-5
PTS, 2-4, 2-6, 2-11, 5-1
A/D scan mode, 5-32–5-37
and A/D converter, 5-33
asynchronous serial I/O receive mode,
asynchronous serial I/O transmit mode,
block transfer mode, 5-30
control block, See PTSCB
cycle execution time, 5-12
cycle, defined, 5-30
initializing PTS control blocks, 5-24