Fortinet 5.0 Patch 6 Microscope & Magnifier User Manual

Fortinet 250 FortiWeb 5.0 Patch 6 Administration Guide
The virtual hosts would be added to the list of FortiWeb’s protected hosts, while the network
adapters’ IP addresses would be added to the list of physical servers.
To configure a protected host group
1. Go to Server Objects > Protected Servers > Protected Servers.
To access this part of the web UI, your administrator’s account access profile must have
Read and Write permission to items in the Server Policy Configuration category. For details,
see “Permissions” on page 47.
2. Click Create New.
A dialog appears.
3. In Name, type a name that can be referenced by other parts of the configuration. Do not use
spaces or special characters. The maximum length is 35 characters.
4. From Default Action, select whether to accept or deny HTTP requests that do not match any
of the host definitions in this protected host group. (In step 8, you can override this default
for specific hosts.)
For example, let’s say that you have 10 web hosts protected by FortiWeb. You want to allow
8 and block 2. To do this, first set Default Action to Accept. Then in step 8, you will create 2
entries for the host names that you want to block, and in their Action, select Deny.
5. Click OK.
6. If you want to treat one or more hosts differently than you indicated in Default Action, click
Create New.
A dialog appears.